NA body approves amendment in NEPRA Act

25 Oct, 2017

The National Assembly Committee on Power has approved amendment in the NEPRA Act stipulating three-year imprisonment for charging over-billing and wrong billing by the DISCO officials from electricity consumers. Federal Minister for Power Division Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari presided over a meeting of the committee at the WAPDA House Lahore on Tuesday.
The said amendment to the law has been finalized after a consultation spanning over two weeks. According to the amendment, on receiving complaints of over and wrong billing, Nepra will initiate legal proceedings against the responsible official once it is proved during investigation.
The sources said that all the members of the committee unanimously supported the amendment during the meeting and termed it a 'historic step'. Speaking on the occasion, the federal minister directed the power companies to display applications for tube-well and other connections on the website of relevant company. He has further directed to put it on the notice board of respective sub-divisions to ensure complete transparency.

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