NAB arrests nine Custom officials, others

25 Oct, 2017

The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Lahore arrested on Tuesday nine custom officials, clearing agents and betel leaf importers. According to details, the NAB received a complaint from a whistle blower regarding mega embezzlement in custom duty. It was alleged that during import of betel leaves from India and Sri Lanka at Lahore airport, duty/taxes were evaded by the importers in connivance with officers and officials of customs causing huge loss of Rs 2.6 billion to national exchequer. The complaint was based on embezzlement during incumbency of collector customs during the years 2007 to 2012.
During the course of inquiry, it was revealed that certain goods declaration (GDs) reflected duty/taxes as having been paid in full with the National Bank of Pakistan but factually no amount was deposited.
Duty/taxes actually paid in the National Bank of Pakistan were far less as compared to the amounts shown on the hard copies of GDs, which showed actual legible duty/taxes. Custom and Bank officials allegedly did this by adding extra digits in front of the amount actually deposited to the bank.
Those who were arrested included Ghulam Murtaza, Muhammad Fayyaz, Muhammad Shakeel, Khairat Ali, Shahid Hussain Bhutta, Rehan Elahi, Rashid Yaqoob, Muhammad Saeed and Abdul Khaliq Zaki.
According to the further details, 58 import firms remained engaged in import of betel leaves with the help of customs clearing agents at Lahore Airport. The officials presented the accused before the Accountability Court and sought their physical remand.

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