Pakistani goods: US urged to provide direct access to markets

25 Oct, 2017

Founder Chairman Pak-US Business Council Iftikhar Ali Malik Tuesday demanded of the American administration to provide the Pakistani goods direct access to the US markets at zero rate instead of aid. Malik in a statement said that the US must support Pakistan to achieve its economic prosperity and self-reliance. He hoped that the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's visit to Pakistan would help reduce tension besides agreeing on promoting durable peace in the region and fostering trade between the US and Pakistan.
He stressed the need for joint efforts for further cement the existing economic ties between Pakistan and US private sector. Pakistan and US are enjoying amicable relationship and coalition partners against war on terror, he said. The US should provide direct access to Pakistani products in its markets at zero duty. He said US President Donald Trump should announce packages of incentives for the quick revival of the Pakistani economy as the country has also suffered trillions of dollars losses in the war against terror. He said Pakistan is emerging as a fast developing and modern republic in South Asia.
He urged Pakistani-American businessmen to avail immense business potential in Pakistan as well. He further said that the Trump-led US administrations should recognize the sacrifices rendering to eradicate terrorism in Pakistan as Pakistan is bearing irrecoverable loss due to its involvement in war on terror.
He asked all the political parties to set aside their political differences for the sake of the country and sit down to evolve a joint strategy to tackle US-India diplomatic pressure. He said the United States also has no choice but to use Pakistani roads to re-supply its troops in landlocked Afghanistan. However, he suggested that the United States and Pakistan should expand cooperation on the 2013 Joint Action Plan on Trade and Investment as the United States remains Pakistan's largest bilateral export market and a significant source of foreign direct investment. He said it would be in the interest of both the countries to enhance their trade volume which had been hovering around $5 billion for the last five years.

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