Last date of renunciation/payment

26 Oct, 2017

Last dates of renunciation/payment.

COMPANY Trading in L/Right Last Date for Last Date of Spot From Premium
w.e.f. Payment/Ren. Trading
Cherat Packaging Ltd 05.10.2017 27.10.2017 03.11.2017 - Prem 115/-
Fauji Foods Ltd. 05.10.2017 27.10.2017 03.11.2017 - -
Fauji Foods Nou-Voting 05.10.2017 27.10.2017 03.11.2017 - -
Universal Insurance Co. 19.10.2017 10.11.2017 17.11.2017 - -
Hascol Petroleum Ltd. 23.10.2017 14.11.2017 21.11.2017 - Prem 155/-

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