Partly Facetious: Sitting next to the Imam-e-Ka'aba

27 Oct, 2017

"Dar attended the last cabinet meeting, so I guess the depression maybe lifting."
"He sat next to the Imam-e-Ka'aba and short of going to the Holy Land and praying in Khanae-Ka'aba, I guess he reckoned the next best thing is to pray seated next to the Imam."
"Don't be facetious."
"Anyway, I heard while the Imam raised his hands to pray for the country and the people of the country, Dar was praying for his legal difficulties to end and..."
"Legal difficulties end when one is convicted as well, though other difficulties begin."
"Now who is being facetious, I heard Shahid Khaqan Abbasi (SKA) prayed for his mentor Nawaz Sharif to quit taking on the institutions and I have it on good authority that he went to see the Chief Minister Punjab yesterday, who may or may not be The Heir, and the CM's son who is definitely His Heir was also present and..."
"SKA is deeply concerned about the reaction to the Intelligence Bureau's list that has alienated more than 30 to 40 of the ruling party's revolving members of the national assembly and his frequent meetings with the establishment have led him to believe that they are not too happy about some of the comments by Father, Daughter and the Holy Land."
"They revolve around the PML factions - Nawaz one day, Quaid-e-Azam the next and..."
"I get."
"So, SKA prayed for his government to prevail till June next year, the Pakistan's would-be Napoleon prayed that he is given the Finance portfolio for how ever little time, the goat... mein, mein, mein... Khawaja Asif prayed that Maryam and not the First Brother is The Heir, Saad Rafiq has taken the middle ground - advising those who take on the army to tone down their rhetoric one day and the party is united behind Nawaz Sharif the next...."
"What did our Visionary 2025 pray for?"
"That's a tough one - he is certainly getting verbal diarrhea as the Minister for Interior...maybe there is something about the chair in that Ministry that makes them suffer so."
"I thought it made the beat reporters suffer."
"Ha ha ha."

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