Parasitic diseases discussed at UVAS moot

27 Oct, 2017

The Department of Parasitology of the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (UVAS) Lahore in collaboration with Pakistan Society of Parasitology and Higher Education Commission (HEC) organised concluding ceremony of a two-day International Parasitology Conference (PARACON) on "Recent Advances and Emerging Issues in Parasitology" at UVAS City Campus Lahore.
Professor Dr Jonathan Howard from University of Cologne Germany chaired the concluding session of the International Parasitology Conference (PARACON) concluding session while UVAS Vice-Chancellor Meritorious Professor Dr Talat Naseer Pasha, Chairman Department of Parasitology & President Pakistan Society of Parasitology Professor Dr Kamran Asharaf, Dr Imran Rashid and renowned veterinary & medical practitioners, parasitologists, molecular biologists, biochemist, vector control specialists, zoologists, scholars, researchers, academicians experts from different countries, including America, the UK, Germany, Iran, China, Tunis, Belgium and number of participants from public & private organizations all over Pakistan attended the PARACON.
The conference recommended extracted from the oral and poster presentations of PARACON that the burden of parasitic food borne diseases in Middle East countries is huge due to multiple factors, so control strategies require different steps, control through therapy would be hard in future due to drug resistance, drug resistance is the future concern for the livestock and poultry industry, drug toxicity would be replaced with eco-friendly methods to control parasites, overdosing and repeated deworming with the same drug is the cause of parasite resistance, development of vaccines is the solution for the control of vectors and vector borne diseases, toxoplasmosis is the major concern for food and water borne zoonosis and sharing of technical expertise and knowledge with foreign researchers is necessary to control parasitic diseases.
Speaking on the occasion, Professor Dr Talat Naseer Pasha said that such conference is necessary for providing and sharing innovative knowledge to young veterinarians, enhancing experiences and developing contacts with national and international experts for the skill development.
Professor Dr Jonathan Howard thanked to UVAS especially for the hospitality and said conference was very affective to provide a platform to veterinary & medical practitioners, parasitologists, researchers, academia, students and professionals regarding recent advances and resolving emerging issues of parasitology with the latest research and innovative.
Various scientific sessions, plenary lectures, oral, poster and online presentations from America conducted in the two-day event.
In which various aspects also were discussed even all the major areas of parasitology and related to parasitic diseases of veterinary and public health importance, diagnostic chemoprophylaxis, anti-parasitic and vaccines of parasites, zoonotic parasitic diseases and vector-borne diseases and role of veterinarians under one-health concept epidemiology.

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