Three killed in Kenya as protests prompt partial vote delay

27 Oct, 2017

At least three people were shot dead Thursday in clashes over Kenya's election re-run, prompting officials to delay the vote in four counties and further tarnishing the credibility of a deeply divisive poll. As counting began after a day marked by bloodshed and poor voter turnout, President Uhuru Kenyatta was headed for a landslide victory after his rival Raila Odinga pulled out.
The re-run was called after the Supreme Court overturned the results of an initial August poll. Two deaths occurred as protests raged in opposition strongholds in the west of the country, while the third person died in a Nairobi slum where clashes erupted between demonstrators and police. Unconfirmed reports suggested another two people may have been killed.
The confirmed casualties raised to 43 the tally of people killed in election-related violence since the August poll. As voting drew to a close, election chief Wafula Chebukati made a televised address, saying the ballot would be postponed until Saturday in four protest-hit counties in the country's west: Kisumu, Homa Bay, Migori and Siaya. The move, he said, was due to "security-related" challenges.
But Kisumu's governor Anyang Nyongo rejected the move, saying people would not vote while they were "mourning". While Odinga's supportershit the streets, others went to the polls to cast their ballots. But, in stark contrast to the August election, several polling stations in key areas stood empty or welcomed only a handful of voters in an election likely to face more legal battles after its conclusion.
At one polling station in Nairobi's Kibera slum, rocks bounced off the roof as officials tallied just 16 votes - all for Kenyatta. In the middle-class neighbourhood of Kilimani, turnout at St Georges school was only 42 percent, with Kenyatta scoring the large majority - although one person wrote in the name of Jesus, and voted for him. As voting headed to a close, police and hospital sources confirmed three people had been shot dead and around 50 others wounded, most by live bullets, according to an AFP tally of figures from officials and medics.
At the Jaramogi hospital in Kisumu, an AFP correspondent saw several people arriving covered in blood. "This is crazy, they are shooting at us - we are demonstrating and they shoot us!" said Samuel Okot, 20, who was sitting with his friend Joseph Ouma who had been shot in the knee and was howling in pain. "What kind of country is this? The violence drew a sharp response from rights watchdog Amnesty International. "With tensions running high there is a very real threat of further bloodshed as the election re-run takes place," said Justus Nyangaya, director at Amnesty International Kenya.
"We are calling on the police to only use force as a last resort - unlawful police killings and other human rights violations must not be allowed to recur." In Kisumu, 19-year-old George Odhiambo died from blood loss after being shot in the thigh during clashes which erupted after protesters barricaded roads and polling stations to block the vote, police and hospital sources said. Police said another man was shot dead in Homa Bay, also in the west, "where a large mob attacked a small police facility" prompting officers to open fire "to protect themselves," a statement said. A third man died after being shot in the head in Nairobi's Mathare slum, another hotspot in the capital where police fired water cannon and teargas to disperse demonstrators.
In the eastern port city of Mombasa, police said a man was stabbed as he was going out to vote, while in Kisumu a police officer was also wounded with a knife. Also in Mombasa, police said protesters in the city's Bangladesh slum had smeared faeces on the walls of a primary school that was to be used as a polling station.

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