Aizaz attends APPAC event in NY

30 Oct, 2017

Pakistan Ambassador to USA, Aizaz Chaudhry, Congressman Andre Carson and Consul General Raja Ali Ejaz attended American Pakistanis Public Affairs Committee (APPAC) event in New York on Sunday. According to Pakistan Embassy, New York, talking on the sidelines of APPAC, Ambassador Aizaz Chaudhry said that Rep. Andre Carson has been a strong voice for the Muslims in America. Ambassador Aizaz Chaudhry said that Pak-US relations are resilient. It is our job to strengthen these bonds. We have to bring both countries closer together.
While addressing at APPAC event, Ambassador Chaudhry urged Pakistani Community to do well in the US. Need of the hour for the Pak-American community is to stand up and be counted. Ambassador Chaudhry further stated that Pakistan has a good story to tell. There is a gap between perception and reality of Pakistan. We have reversed the tide of adversity with our resolve and determination.

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