Moot on 'ADHD, dyslexia' held in AKUH

01 Nov, 2017

Kazim Trust held its 3rd annual conference on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Dyslexia at Aga Khan University Hospital, in Karachi. The conference was attended by parents, doctors, students of psychology and teachers of various schools.
The conference included sessions on a variety of topics related to ADHD and Dyslexia, two of the most common behavioural disorders in children. The conference not only created awareness regarding these disorders but also highlighted the reality of learning difficulties in children with such conditions and how parents, teachers and caregivers can empower and manage them. Different therapies and learning styles, in relation to ADHD and Dyslexia, were also discussed at the conference by the panel along with parental counseling.
Speaking on this occasion, Kazim Anwar, Founding Trustee Kazim Trust in his recorded video message stated: "We at Kazim Trust truly believe that ADHD and Dyslexia should never restrict the academic, social and psychological development of any child who may have a learning difficulty.
These children have the potential to succeed in any endeavours with confidence if they are provided with a positive and a learning environment."
While speaking at the event, Dr Neelofer Vazir, Advisor to Kazim Trust stated: "Children with ADHD are generally marginalized at schools and stigmatized by home and community as not being normal. The fact is that they can range from normal to brilliant. Therefore, there is an urgent need for teachers and parents to identify the symptoms of ADHD as soon as possible so that this neurological disorder is addressed at its earliest. Kazim Trust can and does create identification through guidance, testing and analysis, and create awareness of emerging issues in children. Besides, the Trust offers remedial therapy to these children and guidance and counseling for parents through teachers' workshops, street-play, lectures and conferences."
Speakers that were present at the conference included Clinical Psychologists Hafsa Rafiq and Farah Aftab, Remedial Therapists Areeba Rehman and Anum Mehmood. Cindy Goldrich, International coach and Author of '8 keys to parenting ADHD' also participated in the conference by shedding light on new and effective techniques for parents to manage children with ADHD.-PR

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