Saarc CCI's communication workshop held in Lahore

01 Nov, 2017

A two-day communications workshop was organized by SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SAARC CCI) to streamline strategies and mechanisms to optimize the external and internal communications of SAARC CCI with its key stake holders. The workshop was held in partnership with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) on October 30-31, 2017 in Lahore, Pakistan. This was a follow-up to an earlier activity in Mumbai, India, where the leadership of SAARC CCI had devised policy guidelines for promoting a positive image of SAARC and SAARC CCI.
Workshop participants included the communication officers of SAARC National Chambers and media representatives from the member states of South Asia. Hina Saeed, Secretary General SAARC CCI and Dr Ronald Meinardus, FNF Regional Director for South Asia facilitated the event sharing valuable insights on how to develop and implement a successful communication strategy.
Main objective of the activity was to familiarize the participants with SAARC CCI's content strategy and discuss mechanisms to implement this on the regional level and in the member countries. Apart from that, the workshop focused on the basics of communications, the definition of target audiences, the importance of monitoring the various communications channels, as well as workflow and governance issues.
Hina Saeed, Secretary General, SAARC CCI, welcomed the participants said, "SAARC CCI seeks to develop partnership with the media across the region in bringing the member nations together for regional prosperity", she said while setting the tone.
Iftikhar Ali Malik, Vice President, SAARC CCI (Pakistan), joined the workshop He welcomed the participants in his home city and reinforced the dynamics of regional cooperation. He said SAARC is "integral to the prosperity of the people"; SAARC CCI's role in unifying SAARC is essential, the senior official said. The workshop wrapped up with a dialogue forum of the South Asian media experts with Pakistan local media representatives where they discussed the role of the media in enhancing regional cooperation among South Asian countries.-PR

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