Britain accelerates Brexit plans, talks also to speed up

01 Nov, 2017

Britain is accelerating preparations for "all eventualities" when it leaves the European Union, but both sides are hopeful an agreement on stepping up talks to unravel more than 40 years of partnership will be sealed soon. With only 17 months remaining until Britain's expected departure, the slow pace of talks has increased the possibility of it leaving without a deal, alarming business leaders who say time is running out for them to make investment decisions.
British and EU negotiators met in Brussels on Tuesday to try to agree a schedule for further divorce talks, with an initial proposal from the bloc to hold three more rounds before the end of the year not winning instant approval from London. The pressure has spurred the British government to step up its Brexit plans, employing thousands more workers and spending millions to make sure customs posts, laws and systems work on day one of Brexit, even without a deal on a future relationship.
At a meeting with her ministers on Tuesday, Prime Minister Theresa May was updated on plans for the tax and customs authority to add a further 3,000-5,000 workers next year and for spending of 500 million pounds ($660.45 million) for Brexit. "Alongside the negotiations in Brussels, it is crucial that we are putting our own domestic preparations in place so that we are ready at the point that we leave the EU," May's spokesman told reporters. "The preparatory work has seen a significant acceleration in recent months. Departments are preparing detailed delivery plans for each of the around 300 programmes underway across government."

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