IDA to provide $135 million for climate services project

04 Nov, 2017

International Development Association (IDA) is considering for providing $135 million for "Pakistan Hydro - Meteorological & Climate Services Project" to strengthen the capacity of the government to deliver reliable and timely weather, hydrological and climate information and services to user departments and communities.
Sources of Pakistan Meteorological Department mentioned that this project will be completed with the cost of $155 million, while Pakistan will bear $20 million.
This proposed project will improve accuracy and lead time for weather forecasts and warnings; improved accuracy and lead time for hydrological forecasts and warnings; improved climate information and advisory services made available to user departments and farmers, sources added.
An update project report of World Bank mentioned that Pakistan is prone to a range of hydro-meteorological hazards including flash floods, riverine floods, droughts, heat waves, cyclones. Pakistan is one of the most flood prone countries in South Asia.
The adverse effects of climate change could increase Pakistan's vulnerability to natural disasters. Globally, Pakistan is considered the 6th country most affected by extreme weather events constituting a major challenge for development.

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