In reversal, US tech firms back bill on human trafficking

05 Nov, 2017

Major US tech firms reversed course Friday and endorsed a proposal in Congress which could hold website owners liable for human trafficking. The Internet Association, which includes giants Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Amazon, said in a statement it supported the measure after reaching a compromise with legislative sponsors.
The association "is committed to combating sexual exploitation and sex trafficking online" president Michael Beckerman said in endorsing the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (SESTA). "Important changes made to SESTA will grant victims the ability to secure the justice they deserve, allow internet platforms to continue their work combating human trafficking, and protect good actors in the ecosystem."
Tech firms and others had argued earlier this year the measure, aimed at modifying the liability provisions of the Communications Decency Act, could eliminate the free-speech underpinnings of the internet, giving websites immunity from content posted by others.

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