Delimitation of constituencies: PPP accuses PML-N of playing to the gallery

08 Nov, 2017

The Pakistan Peoples' Party (PPP) Punjab spokesman has criticized the PML-N for playing to the gallery on delimitation of constituencies under fresh census. He said that the PML-N was trying to play games with the opposition while it has already reaped the fruits of ignoring as well as undermining democratic and constitutional institutions.
He questioned that how the demand of taking the issue of delimitation to the Council of Common Interest could be undemocratic when the same forum had already approved the holding of census countrywide. He said the CCI is the right forum to resolve issues relating to delimitation on the basis of fresh census.
He further demanded answers to the queries raised by the opposition against the conduct of census department in carrying out census. He said the opposition has raised genuine demands while the PML-N term those demands a dirty game of politics which is totally unfair. He warned that the PPP would not let the PML-N delay elections as the PPP has sacrificed a lot to regain ground for democracy. The PML-N would not be allowed to wrap up democratic set up in the country, he added.

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