The increasing incidents of one-way violations and breaking the signal by drivers of motorcycles, cars, rickshaws and other vehicles are causing massive traffic jams and accidents in the city. The nuisance has grown to an alarming situation which can be judged by the fact that drivers hardly bother anymore about the traffic rules and they just try to sneak through the smallest room to reach their destination.
There are scores of locations in the city where such violations can be observed. The deputy inspector general of the Traffic Police has issued several warnings saying his department would take acting against violators of traffic rules but the subordinate police officials take no notice of the situation despite these warning.
Traffic police officials let them violate rules by not taking action against them. They always complain about shortage of manpower but the fact is that even the present workforce doesn't perform its duty honestly. It is also observed that traffic police officers make no efforts to apprehend drivers who violate one-way as well as other rules.
The high officials of traffic department don't patrol the city to oversee the performance of their subordinates. It seems that they hardly use the roads to observe on duty officials. It is also been observed that traffic police high-ups take no rounds of the city to witness how the drivers and motorcyclists flout the traffic rules and regulations.
Police sergeants and officials are usually been seen hiding at some distance from traffic signals to grab any two-wheeler or private vehicles jumping traffic signal or are found involved in deep discourse under the shadow of a tree oblivious to the happenings in their surrounding.
Sindh government in the past had announced various measures to curb growing number of road traffic accidents as various committees and commissions had been formed, task force formulated, and reports were published but little success has been achieved due to the reason that while the drivers commit violations the law enforcers keep ignorant approach.