* Within-day gas fell by 1.93 pence to 64.65 pence per therm as of 0913 GMT.
* Day-ahead gas was down 1.90 pence at 64.25 pence per therm.
* An increase in gas supplies from Norway and expected milder weather were behind the price weakening, a trader said.
* Norwegian gas flows to Britain rose to 126 million cubic metres (mcm) per day, from 89 mcm/day on Monday, as gas flows through the Langeled and the Vesterled pipelines increased.
* That leaves the system oversupplied with demand forecast at 303.1 mcm/day and flows at 313.7 mcm/day, National Grid data shows.
* Average daily temperatures in Britain are expected to be 4.3 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, rising to 6.9 C on Wednesday and to 7.3 C over the weekend.
* The arrival of one vessel with liquefied natural gas (LNG) on Tuesday and the expected docking of five more by the end of next week also assisted the price move..
* Peak wind generation is forecast at 2.9 gigawatts (GW) on Tuesday and expected to rise to 6.4 GW on Wednesday.
* The January gas contract fell by 1.30 pence to 67.00 p/therm.
* Day-ahead Dutch gas at the TTF hub fell by 0.40 euros to 24.20 euros per megawatt hour.
* The benchmark Dec-18 EU carbon contract fell by 0.22 euro to 20.41 euros a tonne.