Sierra Leone says relations with IMF 'normal' after suspended payout

04 Feb, 2018

Sierra Leone's finance minister on Friday played down a decision by the IMF to delay a disbursement because of the West African country's failure to improve revenue collection, saying the fund would return in May to discuss the programme. The IMF said on a statement on its website on Wednesday it had delayed its disbursement of the second tranche of programme financing "due to a weak budget revenue outlook, where measures that were to be taken under the programme to increase revenue did not yield".
"The IMF is currently working with the government to identify appropriate corrective measures," it said. Finance Minister Momodu Kargbo told Reuters: "There is no suspension of any support to Sierra Leone", and that the next tranche of its $224 million 5-year programme would be discussed in May when officials from the fund visit Freetown, after a presidential election on March 7.

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