Partly Facetious: Political alliance through political marriage?

06 Feb, 2018

"I have a theory."
"Oh for Pete's sake."
"Why this reaction?"
"Because my friend you are a Pakistani analyst and by definition we are all, and I mean all, into conspiracy could be in favour of one party and against another, or it could be in favour of one party against all others..."
"I guess the latter refers to Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, I mean the Khan doesn't really like any other party due to their checkered history while the former reflects the status quo parties, Nawaz Sharif's Muslim League and Zardari sahib's Peoples Party."
"Right, and Zardari sahib and Nawaz Sharif may form an alliance if they feel it would help them form a government or stay some, shall we say, court cases but the Khan is a different kettle of fish."
"True, but there is one theory about the Khan that has been proved time and again and..."
"If it's a conspiracy theory then I don't want to know."
"It's a theory that has been proved as far as I am concerned. Wait hear me out....I think the Khan has a well honed ability to determine the merit of foreign women as wives but unfortunately he has not displayed the same ability with respect to his country's women."
"I heard the Second Wife having a go at him and implying that the Third Wife gave the Khan the marriage and divorce dates for the Second Wife - 31 October and..."
"I don't think Jemima is ready to remarry the Khan and the Khan has displayed an extreme interest in remarrying."
"Right, but why doesn't the Khan do what the European Kings of yore did? Form a political alliance through marriage!?"
"The Bhutto-Zardaris are much too young for him and Maryam and her sister are already married and..."
"I thought the Khan's Third Wife was also married."
"Stop at once. Whatever you may think of the IQ level of Captain Safdar and the growing gap between his wife and his own IQ, retired thankfully well for the army high command before retirement age he is devoted to Maryam and to his father in law and to his..."
"I am sorry I didn't mean to support that union. All I meant was that for a marriage to be politically beneficial would require a direct line with the leader of another party..."
"I hear one female relative of the Maulana's is..."
"Just be quiet... this is a serious matter, and you are being totally facetious."

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