Commercial offices in five more African countries planned

07 Feb, 2018

The Ministry of Commerce, Joint Secretary Maria Kazi said that the ministry will open commercial offices in five more African Countries and will provide additional duty drawback on exports to Africa". She was addressing at a session titled: "Look Africa Trade Forum" organized at Sarhad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI), Peshawar, according to official statement issued here on Tuesday.
She further informed that 90% subsidy will be provided to the exhibitors by TDAP for participation in exhibitions in Africa. She underscored that MoC has formulated strategy for enhancing exports to the African Countries which will bring positive results.
Speaking on the occasion, Ambassadors and High Commissioners of Kenya, Morocco, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Madagascar and other African Countries highlighted the vast trade opportunities available in Africa. They flagged that African Countries will reciprocate efforts of Pakistan and develop a Look Pakistan strategy for further augmenting bilateral trade with Pakistan. They highlighted the historical trade and cultural relations between Pakistan and African Countries and hoped that in the near future this relation will be further cemented for mutual development and shared prosperity.
The President, Sarhad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI), Zahidullah Shinwari welcomed the participants and Ambassadors / High Commissioners of 12 African Countries based in Islamabad in the forum. He highlighted that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) is already exporting cement, tobacco, footwear and some other products to Africa whereas there is huge potential for some other products including honey, hunting & sporting equipment, marble furniture and pharmaceuticals. He hoped that government will formulate and implement a comprehensive strategy for trade enhancement with Africa.
A presentation was delivered by Mohammad Owais Khan Deputy Director TDAP, Peshawar in which he critically analyzed the trade performance of Pakistan viz-a-viz Africa. He discussed potential and priority products which can be exported by Pakistan to Africa and the tariff and non-tariff measures affecting their further enhancements.
More than 80 stakeholders representing Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations and individual exporters from KP participated in the forum and highlighted the issues affecting trade with Africa and possible remedial measures for their redressal. The forum ended with a vote of thanks by Sarir Uddin, Director, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan, Peshawar.

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