Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif formally launched the Punjab Public Health Agency (PPHA) during the Human Development Forum organized by the Planning and Development Department in Lahore. With the establishment of PPHA, the Punjab government has once again taken precedence in keeping public interest as prime priority. As an institute of excellence for advancement of public health, the PPHA aims to establish itself as the main source of technical and scientific expertise for the departments of health and serve as "trusted advisor" on matters pertaining to public health.
Punjab Minister for Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education (SH&ME) Khawaja Salman Rafique said, "With the launch of the PPHA, the foundation stone of institution of future has been laid. This also reflects the government's responsibility towards promoting and safeguarding the health and well-being of not only the present but also the future generations," he said. "The Punjab government has been diligently working on health reforms in the province," he added.
While the health of population of Punjab has continued to improve during the last few years, new public health problems are emerging. Despite major overall improvements in health of the population, health inequalities have widened, driving an increasing recognition of the wider, crosscutting determinants of public health, he said.
Being fully aware of the facts, he said the Punjab government has initiated a long-term nation building effort amid hope that this reform remains independent, unbiased and bipartisan. He said that establishment of the PPHA certainly takes the Punjab government one-step closer to the vision set out by Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif for promoting and protecting the health and well-being of the people of Punjab.
He said the Department of Health engaged an experienced and highly competent team at the Project Management Unit (PMU) for the establishment of PPHA. This team adopted a consultative and cross-sectoral approach to design PPHA, engaging provincial, national and international academicians, programme officials, faculty, researchers and subject matter experts from health and crosscutting sectors to contribute their collective wisdom in the final design.
He said the PMU is also working as unique platform offering cross-sectoral coordination and collaborations for donors and development partners. The development of this institution has also opened the doors for expat public health professionals to come and serve their country in their area of expertise, he added.