The profit after tax of United Bank Limited stood at Rs 25.421 billion in the year ended December 31, 2017 as compared to Rs 27.730 billion earned in the same period in 2016. The banks earning per share stood at Rs 20.77 in the period under review against Rs 22.65 in the same period a year ago. The board of directors of the bank in its meeting held on February 19, 2018 at Dubai recommended a final cash dividend for the year at Rs 4.00 per share, ie, 40 percent. This is in addition to interim dividends already paid at Rs 9.00 per share, ie, 90 percent.
According to the financial results sent to Pakistan Stock Exchange, the bank's mark-up/return/interest earning increased to Rs 107.205 billion in the year 2017 against Rs 98.219 billion in 2016. The bank's mark-up/return/interest expenses increased to Rs 50.781 billion against Rs 41.176 billion. The bank's total non-mark-up/return/interest income stood at Rs 22.162 billion in 2017 against Rs 23.608 billion in 2016 while total non-mark-up/return/interest expenses increased to Rs 35.829 billion against Rs 33.156 billion.
The bank's profit before taxation stood at Rs 40.160 billion in the year 2017 against Rs 46.015 billion earned in the year 2016.