District administration Friday sealed 17 factories at Karkhano Market for manufacturing fake shampoos of a renowned brand and arrested its owners. On the directives of Deputy Commissioner (DC) Islamzeb, the Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Shahid Ali Khan along with Assistant Commissioner (AC) Mohammad Mughees Sanaullah, Area Magistrate Sara Tawab, ASP Hayatabad Waqar Kharal and other police officials conducted raids on different markets of the Karkhano Market and sealed 17 mini-factories producing the fake shampoos of different brands.
During the raid, the officials of the district administration also took into possession the chemicals used in the manufacturing of fake shampoos, stickers, empty bottles, packing machinery and other materials. These mini-factories were manufacturing renowned brands of shampoos included Pentin, Head & Shoulder. Lifebouy, Jhnson's Baby Lotion and other brands.
Speaking on the occasion, the Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Peshawar, Shahid Ali Khan said that the Deputy Commissioner was receiving complaints since long regarding manufacturing of the fake shampoos of different brands. He said that on those complaints, the district administration conducted raids and sealed the factories while the owners have been arrested who will face stern legal action.