Nishat Mills Limited has posted Rs 1.961 billion as profit after tax in the quarter ended December 31, 2017 as compared to Rs 1.909 billion earned in the corresponding period in 2016. The board of directors of the company in its meeting held on Friday at Lahore declared that company's earning per share inched up to Rs 5.58 in the period under review against Rs 5.43 in the same period a year back.
According to the financial results sent to Pakistan Stock Exchange, the company's revenue increased to Rs 13.241 billion in this quarter against Rs 13.011 billion in the same period a year back while cost of sales increased to Rs 11.947 billion against Rs 11.752 billion.
The company's profit before taxation increased to Rs 2.192 billion in this quarter against Rs 2.146 billion in the same quarter in 2016. On half year basis, the company's profit after taxation increased to Rs 2.668 billion translating earning per share of Rs 7.59 in the six month period ended December 31, 2017 as compared to PAT of Rs 2.550 billion with EPS of Rs 7.25 in the same period in 2016.