Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said on Friday that after the 18th constitutional amendment, film has become provincial subject; therefore, his government will also take steps for promotion of films. He expressed these views in his presidential speech at 'Karachi Sub Ka: Asia Peace Film Festival' that is being organized by the Culture Department in collaboration with Information department at the Expo Centre Karachi.
"Theme of the film festival 'Karachi Sub ka' is an inspiring and appealing one," Shah said, adding that no doubt, Karachi being a moderate plural society belongs to each and everyone living here, doing business here, linked here directly or indirectly. He said this ownership of the city would definitely further foster fraternity among people of different languages, thoughts and religions, living here, peacefully.
The chief minister lauded the efforts of Sindh Culture Minister Syed Sardar Shah for organizing such events reflecting harmony in our society. "Sindh government will continue its efforts for promotion of films and restoration of cinema industry in the province," he said.
Murad Shah further said that over 50 countries were participating in the festival where more than 109 pictures would be screened. He said it was good for sharing technological experiences, script work, script techniques, picturizing techniques, sharing different technological work in different environment and exploring film market in different countries.
"I take pride to see the events such as literary festival, food festival, film festival, musical programmes, literary sittings and such other programmes in Karachi that had once remained the target of terrorists, mafias, outlaws and gangsters," he said, adding that the port city was again emerging as a city of peace, tranquillity, trade, industry and seat of learning and top of it city of lights.
Murad Shah said film festival also helped promote tourism which was evident from the fact that over 400 people of different countries had come to witness, participate and enjoy this film festival, in this city.
Earlier, the chief minister formally opened the four-day film festival that will continue till February 26. He also visited painting exhibition being held alongside the film festival.