President Awami National Party (ANP), Asfandyar Wali Khan Friday said his party always respected courts decisions and accept the recent decision of the Supreme Court regarding disqualification of Nawaz Sharif from holding office of PML-N President with reservations. The ANP Chief made these remarks during a press briefing after chairing party Think Tank meeting at Wali Bagh Charsadda district.
Asked about the alleged corruption in KP Government, the ANP chief said PTI government has made record corruption in last four and half years. To substantiate his view points, Asfandyar said the PTI government had constructed Peshawar flyover at cost of Rs 1.80 billion whereas heavy vehicles could not pass through the same bridge due to its poor construction and was closed for heavy traffic.
He further explained that NAB which should lay hands on the peoples involved in substandard construction of mega Bab-e-Peshawar flyover project was only pursing cases against Sharif Family with full concentration. He urged the anti-corruption watch dogs to probe the alleged corruption made by the PTI government in the billions trees Tsunami schemes and other similar mega projects.
He said clash between state institutions was detrimental to democracy and the country and Parliament was the best forum to address all kind of political issues amicably. It is a matter of regret that some politicians wanted to convert political battles in to their personal fight. The ANP chief underscored the need of intervention by a third party to come down the present standoff between the institutions and bring the political temperature down.
The political temperature has reached to its climax in the country and could be reduced by involving third party to settle the dust. He reiterated that Parliament was the best forum to address political issues instead taking it to the courts and ANP trumpeting this stance time in again in the past. The ANP Chief said the matters polluting the atmosphere in the country could be addressed if all the state institutions work in their domain as it would also addressed their problems.
Asfandyar Wali maintained political entities cannot be abolished by minus 1 and minus 2 formulas, adding people vote's matters in determining the future course of the political leadership. To a question about the upcoming senate and general elections, he said there were speculations that Senate elections may be delayed for sometimes which he said would create a sense of deprivation among the smaller federating units.
He called for the timely elections of the Senate and General Election 2018. He elaborated that politics should be restricted only to parliament as it would not pollute the peaceful political environment, adding that no one would be saved if the situation gone from bad to worse.