For the second consecutive day, the Opposition benches, led by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), continued to create pandemonium in the House on Tuesday. They warned Speaker Sher Ali Gurchani that if Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif does not appear before the House to reply to the allegations regarding the corruption charges in Multan Metro Bus, Aashiyana Housing Scheme and 56 companies of Punjab, they will not allow the proceeding of the House to take place.
The session of the assembly started 40 minutes late under the chair of deputy speaker Sardar Sher Ali Gorchani. Sheer protest of the opposition forced the speaker to adjourn the session till 10 am on Wednesday. Earlier, on the point of order opposition leader Mian Mahmoodur Rashid said that government has failed to provide support price of Rs 180 per maund to sugar cane farmers. He demanded that government should ask the sugar millers that they should buy the sugar cane from the farmers till April.
JI MPA Syed Wasim Akhter said that farmers are victimized by middleman as they are buying sugar cane at Rs 60 and Rs 70 per maund. PTI MPA Mian Aslam Iqbal and PPP MPA Sardar Shahabuddin alleged that government is not serious in solving the issues of the sugar cane farmers.