Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) on Wednesday claimed to have seized over a dozen of 'non conformity' brands from Chase Departmental Store located on Jail Road area of metropolis. The PSQCA spokesman said Conformity Assessment South team along with its mobile testing laboratory conducted a surprise raid at the store wherefrom different samples of cooking oils, banaspati ghee and canola oil were collected.
Thirteen brands were tested on the spot which included cooking oil Soya Supreme, Dalda food cooking oil, Meezan brand, Olivola brand, Barkat brand, Habib brand, Pure brand, canola oil Eva brand, banaspati Eva brand, banaspati Naz brand, banaspati Shama brand, banaspati Pure brand, and banaspati Andaz. Of them, the samples of four brands namely banaspati Naz, Pure, Eva and cooking oil of Pure were found non-conformity; hence notices were served.
The products were taken off the shelves and the notices were issued. The conformity team also seized jam, jelly, marmalade, pickles, honey, chilly powder, turmeric powder and detergent powder which were being sold without obtaining PSQCA license.