People from different walks of life from Bajaur Agency have warmly welcomed the proposed allocation of a new National Assembly seat for Bajaur Agency and termed it a new era of prosperity for the region. Elders, leaders and various political parties and students leaders from the tribal agency told the media persons that Bajaur Agency deserved to get the third seat owing to its huge population.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf senior leader and prominent elder Nawabzada Anwar Zeb Khan of Raggan said the move to allocate a new seat of National Assembly for Bajaur was in the line with the long standing demand of tribesmen as the current two seats were insufficient for the agency, the most populous region in the entire tribal areas. Anwar Zeb said that allocation of a new seat of National Assembly was vital to accommodate more than one million populations of the Agency, adding that he appreciated the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) and the federal government for its decision to increase the number of National Assembly seats from two to three in the upcoming general elections. He said that allocation of new seat of National Assembly in Bajaur would begin a new era of development and prosperity for the local tribesmen.
However, he raised questions on fresh delimitation made by the Election Commission of Pakistan for the constituencies in Bajaur Agency and claimed that the process was undertaken against the sentiments of local people. He urged the Election Commission of Pakistan to revise the fresh delimitation for the constituencies in Bajaur Agency and the changes should be made accordance with the wishes of local people.
Notable youth leader, PTI youth wing activist and member of Provincial Youth Assembly Muhammad Ayub Khan also lauded the move to allocate a new seat of National Assembly to Bajaur Agency. Khan was of the view that allocation of a new seat of National Assembly was a truly a good news for the people of Agency who have been deprived of basic facilities since along. He said that allocation of a new seat of National Assembly was the long standing demand of the people of agency because the two seats was very little to accommodate more than one million population of the region. He said that allocation of the new seat of National Assembly would not only help to get development funds for the agency, but also boost the political activities in the region. However, he also described as unjustified the fresh delimitation of National Assembly constituencies and asked the Election Commission of Pakistan to revise the changes with immediate effect.
Insaf Students Federation local chapter president Asadullah Khan have praised the allocation of a new seat of National Assembly for Bajaur Agency and called it a big achievement for the people of Agency. He said the decision to increase the number of National Assembly seats was a step in the right direction, which would help increase the development funds for the remote areas of the agency. He was of the view that the plan to allocate a new seat of National Assembly for Bajaur Agency would also help to boost political activities in the region. He termed the move imperative for the socio-economic development of agency.