Weekly statement of position of all scheduled banks

13 Mar, 2018

Weekly statement of position of all scheduled banks as at the close of business on 2nd March 2018.

Domestic operations only (Rs in million)
All Scheduled All Commercial *Special
Banks Banks - ized Banks
Cash and balances with treasury banks 961,132 956,672 4,459
Balances with other banks 139,931 128,743 11,188
Lending to financial institutions 511,303 509,360 1,943
Investments 7,800,758 7,709,383 91,375
Gross Advances 6,642,710 6,470,746 171,964
Provisions (460,750) (439,095) (21,655)
Advances-net of provision 6,181,960 6,031,651 150,309
Operating fixed assets 407,042 397,365 9,677
Deferred tax assets 42,124 41,091 1,033
Other assets 633,547 611,414 22,133
Total Assets 16,677,796 16,385,678 292,118
Bills payable 232,693 231,761 931
Borrowings 2,363,894 2,254,741 109,153
Deposits and other accounts 12,052,497 11,965,586 86,911
Sub-ordinated loans 64,699 64,498 201
Liabilities against assets
subject to finance lease 32 32 -
Deferred tax liabilities 19,852 19,852 -
Other liabilities 508,598 486,239 22,359
Total Liabilities 15,242,264 15,022,708 219,556
NET ASSETS 1,435,532 1,362,970 72,562
Paid-up capital/Head office
capital account 517,226 454,268 62,958
Reserves 266,356 259,137 7,218
Unappropriated/Unremitted profit 464,355 473,058 (8,703)
Total 1,247,936 1,186,463 61,473
Surplus/(Deficit) on revaluation of assets 187,596 176,507 11,089
1,435,532 1,362,970 72,562

* Specialized Banks including ZTBL, PPCBL, IDBL & SME Bank.

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