Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has approved distribution of free of cost wheat among the poverty-stricken people of Thar. The chief minister had constituted a committee under Local Government Minister Jam Khan Shoro to visit Thar to assess overall situation whether there was still need of distribution of wheat among the people or not.
Shoro after assessing the situation of all talukas and their outskirts and meeting with the common men there reported that last year there was drought-like situation in the area, but the government did not declare Thar as drought affected area and even did not distribute wheat among the poor people of Thar and fodder for their cattle. Shoro said in his report that a similar situation still persists in Thar, therefore they may be given wheat free of cost.
The chief minister on the recommendation of the Local Government Minister has approved distribution of free of cost wheat among 287,000 families of Thar at 100 kg wheat per family. This distribution should star from March upto the end of April, he directed chief secretary Rizwan Memon in this regard.