Chief Minister's Complaints & Redressal Cell, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has made a record recovery of Rs 1.8 billion from different public sector departments of the provincial government. The cell since its inception after the assuming of power by PTI in the province had received 1,02,588 complaints through submission of written applications and telephonically.
Out of those complaints about 80 per cent (80380) were disposed of without initiating any proceeding on them while formal action was taken on 22208 complaints. Out of these entertained complaints a recovery of Rs 624 million were made was returned to the 14362 complainants.
During the period from June 2013 till February 2018, the complaints' cell dispatched 11997 complaints to the concerned departments. The departments responded in 4151 complaints while replies in 7846 complaints were still awaited. The highest number of complaints, around 3229, was received against Police Department. However, the reply in 1992 complaints is still awaited.
The number of complaints received against other departments included Excise (88), Elementary & Secondary Education (1405), Higher Education (576), Prisons (52), Revenue & Estate (163), Divisional Commissioners & Deputy Commissioners (1523), Local Governments (904), Auqaf (21), Law (21), Food (31), PESCO (293), PHE (224), C&W (260), Administration (74), Labour (204), Finance (56), Commercial Banks (49), Zakat, Usher & Social Welfare (35), Irrigation (135), Accountant General Office (29), SNGPL (143), Industries (156), PTA (1), Provincial Assembly (2), Housing (17), DG FIA (22), DG NAB (8), Minerals (52), Cantonment Board Peshawar (8), PTCL (16), PDMA/ERRA (22), Health (1118), Environment (133), NHA/PkHA (51), Lalsail Wal Mahmroom (8), Agriculture (80), NADRA (60), FATA Secretariat (26) Sports & Tourism (40), Planning & Development (18), Information (22), Energy & Power (25), Directorate for Employees (4), Transport (89), Home (37), Population Welfare (24), Anti-Corruption Establishment (187), Science & Technology and Information Technology (20), Provincial Inspection Team (24) and DG Ehtesab Commission (16) respectively.
The complaints redressal cell is so far still awaiting response in the 9 complaints sent to Passport & Immigration Office, one to PTA and two to the Directorates of Human Rights respectively.