Australian shares fell on Thursday, as early gains from solid jobs data were erased by losses among banks which were rooted in a Royal Commission's inquiry into the embattled financial sector. The S&P/ASX 200 index slipped 0.2 percent, or 13.1 points, to 5937.2. The benchmark had advanced 0.2 percent on Wednesday. Australia's financial index shed 0.5 percent with the 'Big Four' falling in a range between 0.3 to 1.2 percent.
Real estate stocks added to losses on the index, with retail property manager Scentre Group dropping 2.3 percent. But losses were capped by commodity stocks supported by stronger oil and metal prices.
New Zealand's benchmark S&P/NZX 50 index gave up early gains and ended 0.1 percent lower, or 7.48 points to 8600.81.