Partly Facetious: May's response

29 Mar, 2018

"Theresa May has been successful in selling her narrative to the international community. You have to give her credit for this - I mean there was circumstantial evidence but no solid irrefutable proof."
"Had it been one of our politicians he/she would have said that if you can get proof he/she would leave politics forever."
"Ha, ha, but a word of advice - I know our transgenders' rights are slightly more than previously, I mean they can get a national identity card now, but please don't refer to our worthy politicians as he/she."
"Don't be facetious. Anyway, in May's case, the Russians were the one's accused, while her own party has many not enamoured of her handling of several issues particularly Brexit. In our case our politicians accused and as Nawaz Sharif and his three children surely must have learned the first rule of thumb is denial because then the onus of proof is on the prosecutor..."
"Well, none of his three children has legal qualifications and Nawaz Sharif just missed a decade and at what cost!"
"I agree, the Avenfield flats were bought in 1993 or so while the First Family claimed they were bought in 2006, was it?"
"That's not the decade I was referring to....I was referring to a rather pliant judiciary in Nawaz Sharif's earlier tenures and the establishment was also rather favourably inclined towards him for after all he was much loved by Ziaul Haq..."
"I guess. Going back to May she convinced 26 Western countries to expel Russian diplomats and this in spite of the fact that Russia supplies oil to many European countries."
"Here in Pakistan, it's the reverse. We can't convince foreign governments that our narrative is the right one while party leaders can so easily convince their party members that their narrative, without giving any proof, is the right one."
"True, and ironically the educated party members are just as easy to manipulate for party leaders whose educational qualifications are a lot less than theirs but..."
"Well, if you are referring to Daniyal Aziz and Mushahid Hussain..."
"And Talal Chaudhry."
"I am not sure how educated he is."
"He is more savvy than the other two you mentioned - I mean he delayed the contempt of court charge for a lot longer than Daniyal Aziz even though he received the notice quite a few days before and Mushahid's 180 degree turn just to retain his senate seat - a rather humbling turn which meant accompanying Nawaz Sharif to court and..."
"Hey at least it's not a u-turn - that's the bad one..."
"Don't be facetious."

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