Domestic, non-domestic animals: SU organizes exhibition

17 Apr, 2018

Sindh University has organized an exhibition through the platform of Department of Zoology to sensitize the department students on various ailments facing domestic and non-domestic animals in Sindh. The event also aims at inspiring students to begin reflecting on the lucrative option of setting up cattle farms, initiate independent small trade in the given direction, leading towards self-employment, self-sufficiency and self- empowerment.
The above views were expressed by VC SU Professor Dr Fateh Muhammad Burfat while he went around as Chief Guest various animal enclosures set up at the exhibition site. "We live in times that stretch us to our limits to make both ends meet. We cannot afford to keep waiting for government jobs to come through in such arduous days.
We must begin thinking on other options. This exhibition has the mandate to encourage this perspective," Dr Burfat added. Dr Burat also encouraged youth present to involve in animal issues at a deeper level to get to know them better, so that they could handle them with the required care and understanding.
The Vice Chancellor greatly eulogized the efforts of Department of Zoology Chairperson Dr Tahira Jabeen Ursani, teachers and students towards successful organization of the event.

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