MQM criticises Sindh government's approach to Karachi's transport woes

17 Apr, 2018

Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Bahadurabad on Monday termed the announcement of Sindh Government to ply ten buses from Metropole Hotel to Landhi a mockery of resolving the transport issue and said that such number of buses are too short to tackle the chronic transportation issue in a mega city like Karachi.
Coordination Committee of the MQM Bahadurabad Group in a statement pointed out that millions of people are compelled to travel in buses and mini-buses in pathetic way daily. The Sindh government has failed to resolve the transportation issues during the last ten years of its rule.
It stated that operating the ten buses from Metropole Hotel to Landhi is tantamount to rubbing the salt on the wounds of the citizens of the city. "In view of growing problem of public transport, the Sindh government should have come up with a plan to operate thousand buses equipped with modern facilities," coordination committee noted.
Unfortunately, the committee added that like every sector, transport is also the victim of red-tapism in Sindh, which reflect that Sindh government lacks the seriousness to resolve public transport problems in the city. "It is just concerned with the perks and privileges and forgot about the miseries and hardships of people of Karachi and other parts of the province are enduring its rule", it added.
MQM Bahadurabad that people of the province would take the revenge from PPP in near future and demanded Prime Minister Shahid Kahaqan Abbasi to take notice of this act of Sindh Government to provide relief to the masses. Federal government should take the steps under a special transport package for Karachi by operating the buses in proportion with the population of the city.

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