Partly Facetious: Nawaz will remain the de facto king

17 Apr, 2018

"The King is dead. Long live the King."
"If you really think that the King is dead then you have another think coming. Nawaz Sharif will remain the de facto king and need I add anyone, be it his blood brother, or be it his not so fine feathered friend from up in the hills..."
"Stop that, any plumage that you may not like maybe liked by someone better than you and in this case the someone better than you is the undisputed King of the party and members of the royal family and..."
"Now who is being facetious! But you need to revisit your slogan, it's not the King is dead long live the king but the king is dead long live the Queen..."
"Hmmm, I don't think that is the right slogan, I reckon it should be the King is dead, long live the Princess..."
"Princesses don't rule, they simply look decorative and..."
"And what if a princess rules and is decorative? Besides a princess will not be queen unless the King is truly dead and so..."
"Too cryptic for me anyway when I said the king is dead long live the king I just wanted to urge the seemingly new king Shahbaz Sharif, the only dapper dresser amongst our politicians, to move away from Nawaz Sharif's policies and..."
"If you mean economic policies then I am sure he will - I have it on good authority that he was not supportive of Dar led policies and rightly so and..."
"Nope, that's not what I meant."
"If you mean actually giving time to party members and being humble then I reckon Shahbaz Sharif has more aptitude and training to do that than Nawaz Sharif ever had and..."
"Nope, not that either."
"If you mean..."
"I don't think you are on the right track my friend. There is one policy that Shahbaz Sharif appears to be continuing, a policy laid down by none other than his elder brother and that is to surround himself with the non-elected - he went to Karachi recently and took Mushahid Hussain with him, I mean that guy wouldn't be able to get two votes for a national assembly seat and the same goes for ......."
"Not true Nawaz Sharif has surrounded himself with elected loud mouths not the unelected. Besides the two men around Shahbaz Sharif in Karachi were hand picked by the Princess I hear so perhaps..."
"Never thought of that, but then they would all the more easily shift their loyalty to..."
"Yes but what if the party loses?"
"Ah yes there is that!"

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