EU asks WTO for consultations over US steel, aluminium tariffs

18 Apr, 2018

The European Union on Monday followed China in complaining to the World Trade Organization (WTO) over US tariffs on steel and aluminium imports. "Having a substantial interest as an exporter in this case, the European Union requests consultations with the United States," the EU said in a statement published on the world trade body's website.
US President Donald Trump sparked fears of a trade war in March when he decided to impose steep tariffs on steel and aluminium imports, primarily to target China, but also EU countries. Brussels said in the document the aim of the discussions would be to "exchange views and seek clarification regarding the proposed measures" and to reach "an understanding on ways to achieve" protection, as set out in the WTO's Agreement on Safeguards. The EU said it wanted to hold the consultations "as soon as possible".

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