Kharif season 2018: 15.5 percent decrease forecast for fertilizer's consumption

19 Apr, 2018

The government has forecast 15.5 percent decrease in overall fertilizer consumption for Kharif season 2018 as compared to the previous Kharif season. According to an official document of Ministry of National Food Security and Research, the expected decrease in fertilizer consumption could be due to increase in fertilizer prices and decrease in price of agriculture commodities.
The document further states that the government estimated total fertilizer use for Kharif season 2018 at 3,757 thousand tons against 4,340 thousand tons in proceeding Kharif season which is 15.5 percent less than the previous Kharif season.
As per the document, the total Urea fertilizer consumption for Kharif season 2018 is estimated at around 2,959 thousand tons against 3,297 thousand tons in the previous season showing a decrease of about 11.4 percent over the last Kharif 2017.
The total DAP fertilizer use is estimated at 782 thousand tons against 1,030 thousand tons in previous season showing a decrease of 31.7 percent over the last season. The document further maintains that out of the total consumption of 782 thousand tons DAP, Punjab will consume 529 thousand tons, Sindh 176 thousands tons, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 44,000 tons and Balochistan 33,000 tons.
Out of total 2,959 thousand tons Urea used, consumption of Urea in Punjab is estimated at 1,908 thousand tons, Sindh 776 thousand tons, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 177 thousand tons, Balochistan 98,000 tones. The Kharif season will also witness an increase of 19.9 percent in consumption of potash (SOP/MOP) fertilizer.
The Kharif season is expected to start with inventory of 307 tons of Urea. Total availability of urea will be about 3,229 thousand tons comprising of 307 thousand tons opening balance with 2,922 thousand tons from domestic production. Urea consumption is expected to be around 2,959 thousands tons, the document states.
According to the document, the total availability of DAP will be 557 thousand tons against the expected use of 782 thousand tons; and total availability of potash fertilizers (SOP/MOP) will be 10 thousand tons against expected use of 17 thousand tons. Supply and demand gap in DAP and SOP/MOP will be met by imports through private sector during Kharif season 2018.
During the Rabi season 2017-18, total urea utilized is estimated at 3,003 thousand tons, which is 3.7 percent more than Rabi 2016-17. The DAP consumption is expected to decrease by 14.5 percent to 1,403 thousand tons against 1,607 thousand tons for Rabi 2016-17.

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