Lawyers boycott lower court's proceedings

19 Apr, 2018

Lawyers on Wednesday boycotted the judicial proceedings in the lower court against the police torture and arrest of public prosecutors in Karachi the other day. Sindh Police subjected the public prosecutors to severe torture and clamped crackdown at their camp in front of Sindh Assembly the day before, triggering a call from Karachi Bar Association and Sindh Bar Council to boycott the judicial proceedings in the city court.
The city court wore a deserted look as lawyers didn't appear before the courts. A very thin number of cases were heard in the lower judiciary. The strike caused immense hardships to litigants turned up in the courts. Haider Imam, President Karachi Bar Association said on Wednesday that bar stood in solidarity with the public prosecutors and demanded that provincial government should release the lawyer arrested in front of Sindh Assembly on Tuesday and withdraw the cases registered against them.
He demanded that Sindh government should look into the demands of public prosecutors and do the needful to resolve them. Sindh Bar Council's Vice President Salahuddin Gandpur showed concern over kidnapping of lawyers going from Karachi to Khairpur and condemned the torture of public prosecutors. Public prosecutors in the province have been protesting against non-promotions and non-receiving of three basic allowances for last many years.

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