Pak-Afghan officials hold meeting at Torkham border

19 Apr, 2018

To discuss matters of mutual interests, the flag meeting of Pak-Afghan officials held in Torkham border on Wednesday. According to the forces official, the moot was organized at zero point of the border and Colonel Arshad represented the Pakistani side while Colonel Wahid headed Afghan delegation.
Issues like border security, repairing of fencing, introducing of one window system at the border and other matters of mutual interests were discussed. The Afghan officials asked for extension of duration of closing of Torkham gate from 07:0 pm to 09:00 pm and stressed for holding a meeting of officials of both the countries once in month. They also invited the Pakistani team for friendly cricket match in Afghanistan. The Pak officials assured them that their grievances would be conveyed to the high-ups for consideration, the official told.

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