Partly Facetious: What is no prime ministerial material

21 Apr, 2018

"Wearing the traditional achkan in London is not prime ministerial material."
"Excuse me, but Shahid Khaqan Abbasi (SKA) is representing Pakistan and I think it is appropriate; besides he was not alone, there was one African head of government I noticed in the group photo who was also wearing his country's traditional clothes but his clothes were very colourful while our Prime Minister's choice of colours was more Western! I mean black and white? How Western can you get!"
"What would you recommend? Wearing Maulana Fazlur Rehman's colourful head gear?"
"If he had then it would have matched the African leader's dress. But anyway do you know of any other former Pakistani prime minister, including our three time prime ministers, who wears achkans while abroad?"
"If I remember correctly, Nawaz Sharif did wear achkans when abroad during his first tenure though I have forgotten what he wore during his second tenure but he never wore an achkan during his third tenure as prime minister."
"That is because his children had not become millionaires during his first tenure and subsequently purchased property abroad and while visiting them he developed a taste for Selfridges coffee and the Saville Row suits and the......"
"His children are not millionaires, their computer skills are probably no better than yours or mine; they are offshore and real estate mughals and..."
"Right, but going back to what I said earlier: wearing an achkan is not prime ministerial material! Neither Imran Khan nor Zardari sahib nor Shahabz Sharif wear achkans when abroad."
"Shahbaz Sharif wears trousers in this country too but there is one thing he wears here that he doesn't when outside the country and that my friend is a hat. I would urge SKA to begin wearing a hat when abroad cause if he does it here it may irritate the revised president of his party namely Shahbaz Sharif ..."
"In our budgets, the last budget's achievements are shown and there is a column for what was budgeted and revised estimates given which are at considerable variance with what was budgeted. I reckon SKA may be budgeted as the next prime minister by Father and Daughter, though not openly as elections are still to be fought and won."
"There are those who say neither SKA nor Shahbaz Sharif would be competing for that slot as the party may well lose in the elections. Besides Maryam Nawaz needs to understand that in this country an office makes the man though it may take a little time to get comfortable in the position. Take any chief of army staff we have had or..."
"You reckon Shahbaz Sharif is getting comfortable in the position of party head?"
"Indeed and the proof is that his meetings with Chaudhry Nisar Ali are not longer secret."
"You are being facetious."

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