'Pakistan Paper & Stationery Show' opens

21 Apr, 2018

"Pakistan needs to market itself as a land of trade and investment opportunities to get due share in the global exports of over US 15900 billion dollars and nothing can be good more than trade fairs & exhibitions." Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) President Malik Tahir Javaid stated this while speaking at the inauguration of mega "Pakistan Paper & Stationery Show," here on Friday. Chairman All Pakistan Paper Merchants Association Muhammad Saleem Memon also spoke on the occasion.
He said the trade fairs and exhibitions are more than just a marketing tool as these highlight the potential of tradable products of any country, pave way for joint ventures, bring in much-needed foreign exchange and highlight the soft image.
The show will help promote investment in these sectors, he said. Exhibitions are one of the most effective marketing tools for increasing sales figures and expanding markets, he added. Malik Tahir Javaid urged the government to support business community for organizing sector-specific exhibitions in and out of the country to grab the attention of international buyers.
Citing example of Germany and China, he said that their economies are thriving today only because of their exhibitions and trade fairs. Germany is the leader as far as sector-specific exhibitions are concerned as over 1000 exhibitions and trade fairs are held in Germany annually, he added. He asked the government to establish expo centres in all the major cities.

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