Cotton growers advised to use only approved cotton seed varieties

21 Apr, 2018

The Punjab Agriculture Department (PAD) has once again advised the cotton growers to use only approved cotton seed varieties for sowing which include MNH-886, VH-259, BH-178, CIM-602, FH Lalazaar, FH-142, IUB-13, MNH-988, VH-305, AGC-999 & AGC-777 for BT cotton while for conventional varieties recommended seeds are CM-554, Niab-777, CIM-608, CRSM-38, SLH-317, BH-167, NIB G-115, FH-942, Niab-852, Niab-846, Niab Kiran, Niab-112, Cyto-124, CIM-620 and Niab-2008.
Farmers can cultivate BT Cotton crop from April 1st to 31st May, 2018 while conventional cotton crop cultivation in core cotton area is feasible from April 1st to May 31st & remaining non-core area of cotton cultivation recommended to from April 1st to end up till May 15th.
Spokesman of Agriculture Department disclosed here on Friday that Government has managed to ensure the availability of required quantity of certified cotton seed in the market for commercial cultivation during the forthcoming season. There is no deficiency of quality seed at all.
Cotton growers are advised to cultivate crop with approved varieties of cotton crop. Consult your neighbouring Agriculture department official for proper selection/information. Ensure to get the original Invoice of your payment from the Seed vendor mentioning particulars like Invoice/Receipt No, Company name, Quality, Lot No., Price, Date of purchase and Name, address and contact of the vendor. Save a small quantity of seed from each lot for further reference that will be helpful if any issue arises.
spokesman further disclosed that it is highly recommended to cultivate 10% area of the total non-BT varieties and this practice will discourage to build up immunity of harmful pests & insects of cotton crop. The field should be made into furrow and ridges, then irrigate the 6-7 inches deep furrows. After irrigating the field sown the seeds by hand at a height of 1 inch from the standing water level of the field. If gaps are left in the field, they should be filled with next irrigation. The furrow method of sowing has same benefits as mentioned with the seed drill method. Sowing by hands is helpful in reducing the seed used for sowing. The number of plants per acre is good and the practices like spraying and weeding can be done with rain or irrigation water in the field. Proper crop growth is achieved.

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