Kyrgyzstan forms new government

21 Apr, 2018

Kyrgyzstan's parliament on Friday voted overwhelmingly to confirm a new government led by the country's 30th prime minister in less than three decades, who is an ally of new President Sooronbai Jeenbekov. Mukhamedkali Abylgaziyev's installment is the latest indicator that Jeenbekov has consolidated power in the ex-Soviet country following a struggle with former president and one-time ally Almazbek Atambayev.
Abylgaziyev, 50, was parachuted into the prime minister's post after serving as Jeenbekov's chief of staff since March. Of 115 lawmakers present, 114 voted to approve Abylgaziyev's cabinet after a no-confidence vote on Thursday felled the government of former prime minister Sapar Isakov, who was close to Atambayev. The cabinet is backed by a coalition of four of the parliament's parties, with two other factions making up the opposition. Jeenbekov, 59, came to power in a bitterly fought presidential election last year while enjoying strong support from Atambayev, 61, who was limited to a single presidential term by the constitution. His inauguration marked the first peaceful transfer of power between elected presidents in a country that has experienced two revolutions since independence from Moscow in 1991.

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