State security to Nawaz

25 Apr, 2018

That Chief Justice of Pakistan is fair and judicious is a fact that has found its best expression from his directions that he issued during the hearing of a suo motu case on state security to people. According to him, if former prime minister Nawaz Sharif is entitled to state security then he should be provided the same. "We don't want to endanger life of anyone who has been provided with state security but at least people who are not entitled to it should not be provided state security... Even if Mian Sahib [Nawaz Sharif] is entitled to state security, it should be provided," he was quoted as saying.
It is about time Nawaz Sharif revisited his approach to higher judiciary. He must stop criticizing the judges of superior judiciary without any further loss of time. In other words, he must stop doing something that may create anarchic conditions in the country.

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