NAB sticks to its policy of 'Accountability for All'

27 Apr, 2018

Chairman NAB former Justice Javed Iqbal on Thursday said that the NAB is determined to its policy of "Accountability for All' across the board to nab corrupts with iron hands. The NAB fully geared up to come up to the expectations of nation to eradicate corruption. He said that NAB is conducting all complaints, verifications, inquiries and investigations on merit and in accordance with law. He said this while hearing public's complaints from complainants in "Khulli Ketchri" at NAB Headquarters, according to a press release.
The Chairman NAB listened to the public complaints of individuals patiently and issued on the spot orders for resolving their complaints as per law. It merits mentioning here that the Chairman NAB had announced during his first address to NAB officers/officials that he would himself listen to the complaints of public related to corruption and corrupt practices on the last Thursday of every month between 2pm to 4pm at NAB Headquarters. Accordingly, the Chairman NAB as per his commitment, listened all the complaints of people who came from all parts of the country at NAB Headquarters and gave them patient hearing and tried to resolve their problems as per law.
It is important to mentioned here that Chairman NAB not only himself hearing the public complaints of people individually but had also directed all DGs of Regional Bureaus of NAB to listen Public complaints of people related to corruption and corrupt practices at their respective Regional Bureaus on the last Thursday of every month between 2pm to 4pm so that complaints which come under their jurisdiction as per law could be addressed. As per directions of Chairman NAB, all Regional DGs of NAB, not only listened public complaints at respective Regional Bureaus, but also issued necessary instructions for addressing public complaints as per law.
He said that Pakistan has been indebted to about $ 84 billion foreign debt, but alas nobody knows where such a huge amount had been spent. He said that corruption is mother of all evils. NAB has mandated to arrest corrupts and recover looted money from corrupt. He said that NAB has recovered Rs 296 billion from corrupts and deposited in national exchequer which a great achievement. -PR

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