PJBF promoting trade ties between Pakistan and Japan

27 Apr, 2018

A-25 member business mission of Pakistan-Japan Business Forum (PJBF), under the leadership of Kalim Farooqui Vice Chairman PJBF is currently in Japan to seek opportunities to further boost trade and investment between Pakistan and Japan.
Embassy of Pakistan Tokyo and Commercial Section Osaka organized networking sessions for Sixth Pakistan-Japan Business Forum (PJBF) SME Business Mission with Japanese counter parts at the Embassy and Consulate Osaka respectively.
The delegation comprised the leading manufacturers-cum-exporters of textiles, pharmaceutical, surgical, sea food, auto and shipping and logistics sectors. The embassy made extensive arrangements for the meetings for the delegates with Japanese entrepreneurs and retail chain stores to discuss the possibility of business opportunities in Japan.
The meetings were aimed to enhance bilateral trade and investment between Pakistan and Japan through direct private sector engagement. During the meetings, the entrepreneurs from both sides met and learnt about the potential business opportunities. Notable interest was found amongst local business community.
Commercial Counsellor, Embassy of Pakistan Abu Bakar Siddique in his welcome remarks highlighted the opportunities for Pakistani business people in Japan. He underlined that the vast majority in the networking session was introducing brand new potential partners to each other, thereby creating the possibility of new openings.
Kalim Farooqui, Vice Chairman, Pakistan-Japan Business Forum (PJBF) informed the participants that the current SME delegation's visit will not only increase awareness about Pakistan and its market but will also result in arousing enough interest amongst Japanese entrepreneurs to culminate in business ventures with the members of the visiting delegation. Commercial Counsellors oversaw all the arrangements of the "Business Match Events". A 6-memberdelegation of Japan Pakistan Business Cooperation Committee led by Nishitani, Secretary General of JPBCC also called upon the delegation and had extensive discussion on the side-line of the events. The visiting JPBCC was apprised of the vibrancy of the SME sector in Pakistan.
Japanese SME companies were invited to partner with Pakistani companies for improving their access to finance and business development services, thereby fostering SME growth, competitiveness and employment creation.
The Vice Chairman, PJBF also met with JETRO and discussed the possibility of Japanese business delegation to Pakistan. The Vice Chairman also met with JICA to discuss areas of future cooperation for expansion of bilateral trade and investment. The delegation also visited JITCO headquarter to discuss the possibility of availing the benefits from the training program of JITCO for development of their human resource-PR

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