Gas contribution to energy mix down 8 percent

27 Apr, 2018

Pakistan Economic Survey 2017-18 reveals that during (July-February) 2017-18 natural gas contribution to the primary energy supply mix of the country declined by 8 percent as compared to the comparable period of the year before.
Local gas supplies contribution declined to 38 percent in total primary energy supply mix during (July-February) financial year 2017-18 from 46 percent during (July-March) 2016-17.
During July-February 2018, average natural gas consumption was about 3,837 million Cubic Feet per day (MMCFD) including 632 MMCFD of RLNG, compared to 3,205 million Cubic Feet per day (MMCFD) last year.
Gas Utility Companies-Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited (SNGPL) and Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGCL) invested Rs 22.7 billion with Rs 1,351 on million on transmission projects, Rs 10,202 million on distribution projects and Rs 11,198 million on other projects.
During this period power sector continues to remain the largest consumer of gas, followed by the domestic sector; 428,282 additional gas connections including 426,721 domestic, 1,519 commercial and 42 industrial were provided across the country.
SNGPL and SSGCL laid 328 km gas transmission network, 8,861 km distribution and 1,216 km service lines and connected 231 villages/towns to gas network.
During July-February 2018, 21.8 million barrels of crude oil was locally extracted compared to 21.5 million barrels in the same period the year before showing a small hike of 0.3 million barrels per day.
Annual consumption of petroleum products in the country was around 26 million tons during 2016-17 while in July-February 2018, 60.4 million barrels of crude oil was imported.
Domestically, indigenous crude oil meets only 15 percent of total requirements and 85 percent requirements are met through imports of crude oil and refined petroleum products. Oil consumption was 16. 5 million tons during the first eight months of current financial year, marginally less than during the same period last year (16.7 million tons).
The share of power in oil consumption is declining significantly while share of transport is increasing due to power plants moving towards cheaper inputs, whereas, increased share of transport is mainly due to decline in domestic price of petrol and higher imports of used cars. During July-February FY 2018, share of transport in oil consumption further increased to 64.4 percent compared to 57.2 percent during the same period last year. However, share of power decreased to 26.4 percent from 33.2 percent during the period under discussion.

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