Economic Survey sans rate of unemployment

27 Apr, 2018

The Economic Survey of Pakistan 2017-18 did not compute the rate of unemployment for the ongoing year though it is of critical importance to the general public. Economic Survey 2016-17 gave the unemployment rate at 6 percent for rural areas and 8 percent in urban areas.
Total population of Pakistan increased by 57 per cent (excluding Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan), with an average annual growth rate of 2.4 percent during 1998-2017, as recorded in the 6th National Population and Housing Census which was held in Pakistan after a lapse of about 19 years.
Unlike previous Economic Surveys, the labour force statistic which is an important input for policy and planning purposes was also not tabulated in the Survey 2017-18. The Survey for 2016-17 revealed that Pakistan has 60 percent economically active population or work force.
According to the Economic Survey 2017-18 Pakistan's total population is 207.77 million while the nationwide average household size is 6.45 individuals. Average annual population growth rate (1998-2017) at national level is 2.4 percent whereas growth in urban areas is 2.7 percent which is higher than the population growth rate in rural areas which is 2.23 percent, the Survey reveals.

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