ART FACTS: Loneliness alone

28 Apr, 2018

Based on the poetry of Faiz Ahmed Faiz about loneliness a group exhibition titled "Solitude" at Koel Gallery, Karachi presented various landscapes of imagination related to being alone. Curated by Salima Hashmi the show was a result of many different inspirations of the participating artists.
Shah Abdullah Alamee's work was the result of his inspiration which came from the "Meher Garh" civilization. The little figurines of the Goddesses found there inspired him the most among other things including the region was ruled by women and that no traces of any weapon were found there. His works were reflective of status of women today and that time. He symbolically used fish and turban like images for delicacy and oppression.
"I imagined how peaceful the people of this place could be. And my imagination took me to wonderful visual imagery which I tried to transfer on the surfaces in my works," he said.
Abid Aslam used word "Tanhai" in Urdu meaning solitude to portray his perception of loneliness. In yellow and black colour using his visual and conceptual skills he beautifully depicted how a lonely person becomes porous like a paper with holes. These holes represented the level of loneliness different at different times.
"I have used this ghazal more into strict way since I believe that if one can re-compose the entire sonnet alongside title 'Tanhai' which implies loneliness then it really can't be consider as loneliness, it will then appear as fellowship," he said.
Shaheera Aslam defined her imagination about the subject in the form of her own poetry in black and white where the doors and windows were always experiencing loneliness as nobody come and go through them only the walls remain standing by their side.
Using Ruh Khitch Photography, Malcolm Hutcheson created a historical space where he portrayed the images of people who live with you in society sometimes ignored other time unnoticed but still they are alive with their loneliness among us because being a member of a minority which regularly oppressed and marginalized is difficult. They felt lonely as they were treated less important than others.
Natasha Malik explored female identity and sexuality within the constraints of patriarchal society through painting, printmaking, installation, sculpture and film. Her included artworks also follow the same theme of female being alone although many women were living together as mother, sister, daughter, grandmother but they all may be alone inside while being together under one roof - home. She took inspiration from home for her artworks as our memories, dreams and thoughts were related to a home we live from our childhood till adulthood and sometimes till death. She explored how a home which is supposed to be an integral part of life of human beings specially women can be a source of loneliness itself. Hence loneliness is a state of mind and one can be alone while in a gathering or with a group of people.
Wardha Shabbir portrayed loneliness in human behavior she symbolically used a bunch of thorns and a lots of leaves to show influence of others on our lives. We as a person are supposed to behave and live a life considered appropriate for a person in the eyes of society other than what one feels. This condition in turn leads a person to loneliness.
"The fact that the paths that I make are tree-lined additionally indicates an organic geometry. Abundant foliage is a component of the quintessential Islamic garden. Along with flowing water, it represents the nourishment of the soul. The concept of paradise being akin to a garden, walled off from the world and containing within itself the symbols of plenty, is represented in my work by the carefully tended walls of vegetation that sometimes form," she said.
(The writer can be reached at

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